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Best Twitter Threads Generator [With Generated Examples]

If you’re stuck composing your next thread, you can seek the help of Twitter Thread generators. These AI tools will compose an entire thread based on a topic of your choice. The best Twitter Thread Generator lets you set the tone of voice, preferred language, thread limit, hashtags, and more.

Furthermore, Twitter Threads generators ensure consistent formatting and word count. This saves you a lot of time while making your tweets stand out hence increasing engagement.

In this article, we will dive into the best Twitter Thread generators that generate high-quality Twitter Threads, are both free and paid, easy to use, and much more. Let’s dive in!

Summary: The Best Twitter Threads Generator

Below find a quick summary of the top 3 best Twitter Threads Generator.

  1. Easy-Peasy-AI: Overall best Twitter Threads Generator
  2. Writesonic: Best Twitter Threads Generator With Set Limit
  3. Copymatic: The best Twitter Thread Generator that’s easy to use

The Best Twitter Threads Generator

Below find a detailed list of the best Twitter Threads generators that include examples of generated Twitter Threads by each tool. We also discuss what Twitter Thread generators are along with their benefits and drawbacks.

1. Easy-Peasy-AI: Overall best Twitter Threads Generator

Easy-Peasy-AI twitter thread generator. Overall best Twitter Thread generator


  • Free to use
  • Easy and intuitive interface
  • Pick a tone of voice

Easy-Peasy-AI is an AI writing tool that helps you accomplish different writing tasks, such as writing Instagram captions, Facebook posts, paraphrasing text to avoid detection, generating X/Twitter threads, and much more.

Easy-Peasy-AI’s free Twitter Thread Generator is easy to use. All you have to do is enter a topic and the tone of voice in which you’d like the topic expressed and hit “Generate.” What I like most about Easy-Peasy-AI’s Twitter Threads generator is it generates three different threads on the same topic so you can choose the one you like best.

To test the Twitter Threads generator, I requested it generate a thread on “How to become a Web Developer” and then I set the tone of voice to “friendly.” Here’s an excerpt from one of the three generated threads.

πŸŒπŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Hey Twitter fam! Today I wanted to share some tips on how to become a web developer! πŸ™Œ Whether you're a beginner or looking to level up your skills, I've got you covered! Let's dive in! πŸ’» #WebDevelopment #TechTips

1️⃣ Start with the basics: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the building blocks of web development. Familiarize yourself with these languages and get comfortable with their syntax. Online tutorials and courses are a great starting point! πŸ“šβœ¨

2️⃣ Practice makes perfect: Create your own projects to apply what you've learned. Building websites or small applications will help you gain hands-on experience and solidify your knowledge. Don't be afraid to make mistakes – that's how you learn! πŸš€πŸ’ͺ

2. Writesonic: Best Twitter Threads Generator With Set Limit

Writesonic best twitter threads generator homepage


  • Easy to use
  • Choose the tone of voice
  • Choose the number of tweets to generate

Writesonic is one of my best AI writing tools. Just like the other tools mentioned in this list, it has a plethora of writing templates and features that allow you to handle all your writing needs.

To generate Twitter Threads, search for Twitter Threads on Writesonic once you’ve logged in. The generator will prompt you to enter a topic, the number of tweets you would like, and the tone of voice.

I prompted the Writesonic Twitter Threads generator to generate a thread on the topic “How to become a web developer”. Here’s the result.

Hook - Ever wondered how to become a web developer? πŸŒπŸ’»
Here are 5 steps to kickstart your journey and become a coding pro! πŸš€πŸ‘‡
1/ Step 1: Start with the basics.
Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - the building blocks of web development.
There are plenty of free online resources like @freeCodeCamp and @Codecademy to get you started. πŸ“š
2/ Step 2: Build your own projects.
Put your skills to the test by creating your own websites or web applications.
Start small, maybe a personal portfolio or a simple blog. Practice makes perfect! πŸ’ͺπŸ’‘

3. Copymatic: The best Twitter Thread Generator that’s easy to use

Copymatic best Twitter Threads Generator with set limit


  • Free trial available
  • 80+ AI writing tools
  • Easy to use
  • Tweet in 25+ languages

Copymatic is one of the best AI writing tools for marketers. This top AI writing tool can generate blog posts, product descriptions, images, social media posts like X/Twitter threads, and much more.

I searched for the Twitter Thread generator through Copymatic’s 80+ AI tools. The interface is dead simple to use and allows you to generate Twitter threads in 25+ languages. All you have to do is instruct Copymatic what your thread’s about, hit “Generate,” and watch it do the magic.

4. Nichesss: The best Twitter Thread Generator with support for 60+ languages

Nichesss the best twitter thread generator user interface showcasing an AI generated thread


  • 200+ writing tools
  • Tweet in 60+ languages
  • Set the tone of voice

Nichesss is a copywriting tool with hundreds of AI writing tools. It has a free trial that allows you to test the different tools including the AI Twitter Threads generator.

The Twitter Threads generator has a simple interface. You’re able to generate X/Twitter threads in 60+ languages, set the tone of voice, and of course, choose a topic for the thread.

I generated a Twitter Thread on “How to become a web developer” and set the tone of voice to “pirate.” Here’s an excerpt of the result:

(1/6) Ahoy mateys! Are ye ready to set sail on the high seas of web development?
(2/6) Step one: Learn the lingo. Ye don't want to be lost in the sea of code.
(3/6) Step two: Choose yer ship (programming language) wisely. Arrr, there's many to choose from.
(4/6) Step three: Practice, practice, practice. Ye can't become a master without putting in the work.

5. Longshot AI: Best Twitter Threads generator for beginners

Longshot AI best Twitter Threads Generator homepage


  • Free
  • Easy to use

To access Longshot AI’s Twitter Thread generator, scroll to the bottom of the panel on the left, click on templates, click on the Miscellaneous tab, and locate Twitter Thread Generator.

I took it for a spin and requested it to generate a thread on how to become a web developer and here’s an excerpt from the response.

Step 3: Dive into back-end development by learning a server-side language like Python, Ruby, or PHP. Understanding how the server side works is crucial for creating dynamic websites and applications. βš™οΈ

Step 4: Get hands-on experience by working on personal projects or contributing to open-source projects. Building a portfolio will showcase your skills to potential employers or clients. πŸ“

6. Best Twitter Threads Generator for engaging Threads

Copy AI best Twitter Threads Generator user interface


  • Free to use
  • Generates engaging threads is one of the top AI content-writing tools in the market. It has robust writing features and templates that help you accomplish different writing tasks. When it comes to generating Twitter Threads, I had to turn to the How To Generate a Twitter Thread YouTube Video by because of how hidden it is in the user interface.

Unfortunately, as you can see below, the Twitter Generator prompt was not appropriate for what I wanted.

Give a controversial opinion on [topic], then turn it into a twitter thread.

This of course will not always lead to the desired result like in my case. I tweaked the prompt to this:

Write a twitter thread on how to become a web developer 

Here’s an excerpt of the generated Twitter thread.


1️⃣ First things first: start with the basics. Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These three front-end languages are the foundation of web development.

2️⃣ After you've mastered the basics, move on to a front-end framework like React, Angular, or Vue. This will help you build more complex web applications with ease.

3️⃣ Back-end languages like Node.js, Ruby, or PHP are also important to learn. This will allow you to build server-side applications and connect your front-end to a database.

I found this to be a much better result that I could post to my Twitter page. I recommend tweaking the prompt some more to include an introduction to the thread, a tone of voice, and other factors that will make your thread engaging.

What is a Twitter Thread Generator

An X/Twitter Thread Generator is a tool designed to help users craft a series of connected tweets, known as a “thread,” on Twitter. It simplifies the process of creating extended narratives or discussions by breaking down content into bite-sized paragraphs that adhere to Twitter’s character limitations.

By inputting a main message or topic, users can use the generator to structure their thoughts and seamlessly thread together successive paragraphs. This tool is particularly beneficial for individuals looking to share detailed insights, tutorials, or stories that require more space than a single tweet allows. Overall, a Twitter Thread Generator facilitates a more organized and impactful presentation of content on the Twitter platform.

Benefits of AI Twitter Thread Generators

AI-powered Twitter Thread Generators offer several benefits that enhance the user experience and content creation process on the platform:

  1. Efficiency and Time-Saving: AI generators streamline the process of creating threaded content by automating the structuring and organization of tweets. This efficiency is particularly valuable for users who want to share detailed insights or stories without spending excessive time on manual composition.
  2. Consistency in Formatting: AI ensures consistency in formatting across the entire thread. This not only enhances the visual appeal of the content but also provides a cohesive reading experience for followers. Consistent formatting is crucial for maintaining the flow of ideas and keeping the audience engaged.
  3. The Tone of Voice: the right AI Twitter Thread generators allow you to generate a thread in different tones of voice. For example, you can generate a thread in a majestic, professional, friendly, formal, or even in a pirate’s tone of voice.
  4. Tweet in Multiple Languages: If you have a diverse audience, Twitter Thread generators allow you to generate tweets in multiple languages. Some can generate Twitter Threads in 30+ languages. Helping you communicate effectively to your audience.

Disadvantages of AI Twitter Thread Generators

While AI Twitter Thread Generators offer numerous advantages, it’s essential to be aware of potential disadvantages associated with their use:

1. Lack of Human Creativity
AI generators may struggle to replicate the depth of creativity and nuanced expression that a human writer can provide. Threads generated by AI may lack the unique flair and personal touch that human creativity brings to content.

2. Limited Adaptability to Current Events
AI generators may struggle to incorporate real-time information or respond effectively to current events. Human writers can quickly adapt to the evolving landscape, whereas AI may not be as agile in providing contextually relevant content.

3. Overreliance on Templates:

Some AI generators follow predefined templates or structures, potentially leading to a sense of uniformity in the generated content. Overreliance on templates may result in threads that feel formulaic and less authentic.

4. Potential for Repetitiveness
Some AI generators may generate content that appears repetitive, especially if the user relies heavily on the same tool or settings. This repetition can result in less engaging and dynamic threads.

5. Dependency on Training Data:

The quality of AI-generated content heavily depends on the training data it has been exposed to. Biases present in the data or limitations in the training set can impact the accuracy and objectivity of the generated threads.

Conclusion: Best Twitter Thread Generator

Twitter Thread generators, with their efficiency and formatting capabilities, streamline the process of crafting cohesive and visually appealing threads. With the right Twitter Thread Generator, content creators can seamlessly weave compelling narratives and present information in a visually compelling manner, contributing to a more impactful presence on Twitter.

To recap, here are the top 3 Twitter Thread Generators to help you grow and engage your Twitter audience.

  1. Easy-Peasy-AI: Overall best Twitter Threads Generator
  2. Writesonic: Best Twitter Threads Generator With Set Limit
  3. Copymatic: The best Twitter Thread Generator that’s easy to use

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